In a world that boasts of progress and inclusivity, why does the recruitment process still bear the chains of biases? Every individual, irrespective of their background, deserves a fair shot at employment. Yet, the recruitment maze often locks out the most deserving candidates.
This petition is not just a call to action but a battle cry for legislative change to level the playing field.
Sign the petition: unlock fair hiring


“We, the undersigned, call upon businesses to end the dehumanising treatment of job applicants and address the lack of
transparency, respect, and accountability within the external recruitment process. It is high time for companies to publicly disclose their external hiring data without any excuses.
We challenge FTSE businesses to embrace transparency and make it a standard practice. Furthermore, we aim to bring this issue to the attention of the UK Parliament and demand
a much-needed change to the outdated recruitment processes and standards.”
Sunil Dial, CEO, Candidate X
Sunil Dial- Founder of CandidateX

The vision

Imagine a world where every CV, every application, is seen through a lens free of bias. Where your skills speak louder than your name, gender, or background. That’s the world we’re fighting for.
educational elitism

The problem

Statistical Evidence: Did you know that minorities need to send up to 80% more applications to get the same callbacks as white candidates? 

Personal Stories: “Despite having the right skills, changing my name on my CV was what it took to get an interview,” laments a candidate. Such stories are not isolated but a grim reality for many.

 Economic Impact: This isn’t just about fairness. Biased hiring curtails diversity, stifling innovation and costing the UK economy billions

Real stories

“I Feel my cv is good. My experience and skills are great for jobs I’m applying for but can’t help but think having a Chinese name is putting people off and then once they “check me out” on Facebook they see that I’m a mum to 3 small children.”

“I’ve experienced barriers as a woman, I’ve witnessed friends have a harder time getting jobs due to their ethnicity and I’ve (shamefully) been dismissive of people who thought there was a prejudice.”

“Made redundant in May 2019 from full time role after 13 years with same company, I’ve been looking for part time role since and struggling massively. I’m shocked it’s been so hard to even get an interview let alone a job!”

“Growing up in Australia, we are told all that we’re the country of the “fair go”, but many Australians don’t experience this in the workplace. And having lived in the UK for four years, I’ve seen the same issues here as well.”
Sign the petition:unlock fair hiring

Clear Pain Points in the Job Market :

Vague Job Descriptions:
Ever felt lost reading a job description? You’re not alone. Many are either too ambiguous or unrealistically demanding. 

Ghosting by Recruiters:
The silence after an interview can be deafening and demoralising. 

Unrealistic Experience Expectations:
Entry-level but needs five years of experience? Sounds familiar? 

Lengthy Application Processes:
The endless forms, the wait, and then... silence. 

Mismatched Job Titles and Duties:
Ever been lured by a fancy title only to find out the role was not as advertised? 

Low Compensation for High Requirements:
High demands paired with a meagre salary? A bitter pill many have swallowed. 

Automated Rejection Emails:
Impersonal, cold, and sometimes, downright insulting. 

Overemphasis on Culture Fit:
Is “culture fit” just a new age term to mask age-old biases? 

Lack of Feedback:
Constructive feedback can be a bridge to improvement. But many are left stranded without it.

Intrusive Interview Questions:

Some questions cross the line between professional and downright inappropriate.

Key Proposal

Transparent Hiring Processes:
Let’s clear the fog. Every job role should have crystal clear criteria. 

Unbiased AI Tools:
Technology should be the solution, not the problem. Let’s champion AI tools that level the playing field. 

Skills-Based Assessment:
It’s time to move from name-based to skill-based evaluations. 

Diversity & Inclusion Training:
Let’s equip HR professionals with the tools to counteract their biases. 

Regular Audits:

Shine a light on hiring practices with third-party audits. 

Whistleblower Protection:

Protect those who stand up against discriminatory practices.
unravelling gendered job descriptions

Take action

For Individuals:
Share your story. Sign this petition. Spread the word. Let’s ensure everyone gets a fair chance. 

For Businesses:
It’s time to introspect and act. Support the #LockedOut campaign and commit to unbiased recruitment. 

For Lawmakers:
We urge you to consider our proposals. Let’s legislate for a fair, unbiased hiring landscape.
The time for change is now. Unlock the potential of every individual. Ensure talent isn’t #LockedOut.
Stand with us. Commit to change.

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